Our Companies

Chatfield Consulting
Chatfield Consulting provides tailor made finance solutions by accessing hundreds of lending options from a vast array of Australia’s leading lenders and major banks ensuring you secure the best loan suited to your unique needs.
Pembertown Finance
Chatfield Group successfully acquired the mortgage book from Pembertown Finance (also known as STP Finance) in July 2017.
Reprice My Loan
A completely free service to help you find the best interest rate. At repricemyloan.com.au we will assess your current lender and also look for more competitive options to suit your needs.
Lets Chat Finance
Let’s Chat Finance is a boutique mortgage broking firm dedicated to help people get ahead. Every clients’ circumstances are unique, at Let’s Chat Finance we can help educate you on how lending works.
Lets Chat Insurance
Let’s Chat Insurance is a team of experienced advisers dedicated to protecting your lifestyle, and providing diversified investment strategies.
Lets Chat Property
Let’s Chat Property was set up by a group of experienced investors and brokers with a mission to help everyday Australians understand how property investment works.
Loans 4 You
Loans 4 You offers a variety of loan products for cars, equipment, business and more. With a large range of lenders, Loans 4 You will get you the best rates and features to meet your needs.
JACK Finance
JACK Finance was established in March 2014 with a view to assist clients source the right advice depending upon their unique scenarios. JACK Finance helps bridge the gap between sourcing the most suitable advisers.
Finance Doctor
Finance Doctor, your dedicated partner for financial well-being. Whether you’re an individual or a business, our expert team provides personalised solutions in debt finance. Trust us to diagnose, prescribe, and elevate your financial health, ensuring a prosperous future. Choose Finance Doctor for precision, confidentiality, and excellence in crafting robust financial plans that stand the test of time. Your prosperity is our prescription for success.
Symmetry Property Finance
Symmetry Finance, where balance meets prosperity. We specialise in harmonizing your financial landscape, offering tailored solutions for individuals and businesses alike. With a focus on symmetry in personal finance, investment, and strategic planning, our dedicated team ensures your financial journey is both stable and successful. Choose Symmetry Finance for a well-balanced approach to financial prosperity.